07 Make Disciples


Part 1

Outcome: Extend an invitation to discipleship.

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  1. Do you doubt your ability to disciple someone? What does Thomas’ story have to say about that?

  2. Have you had a “my Lord and my God” sort of moment, where you finally surrender everything to God?

  3. If you have no idea who you might disciple, what specific kinds of prayers do you need to start praying regularly?

Message these responses to your discipler before moving on.

Part 2

The Formation of a Disciple

Listen to this message from Table Church on the four stages of discipleship, then begin a conversation with your discipler using the questions below.

1. This sermon traced the formation of the 12 disciples throughout the Book of Mark. We identified four Stages of Discipleship throughout the text: Show Me, Let Me, Break Me, Send Me. Give a brief description of each of the 4 Stages of Discipleship.

2. The point of this message is that the Church often stops short in the disciple making process— but we need to learn to go the whole way. What does it mean to “go the whole way” in making disciples?

3. “Your faith is not there to alleviate your suffering. It’s there to help you suffer well.” Has your faith helped you suffer well? How?

4. Have you endured a Stage 3 (“Break Me”) season in life? How did you grow in the way of Jesus through that experience?

5. “In stage 4, the question of success or failure is largely irrelevant.” What does this mean? What could be more important than success for a disciple of Jesus?

6. “We must ask God to show us the people of peace in our lives.” What is a person of peace? Who are some “people of peace” in your life?

Make an Invitation

Have you invited someone onto the Pathway with you yet? If not, invite someone soon.

Message your discipler to update them.

Part 3

Outcome Completed

Look back to the beginning of this chapter and consider where you are now.

What have you learned?

How have you changed?

Who did you invite? What’s your next step?

Discuss this with your discipler, and when you’re done, you’re ready to move on to the next section.