Live out the Great Commission and the Greatest Commandment

A Discipleship Evaluation Tool for Leaders and Churches


Our Motivation

We believe that being a disciple impacts every area of how you live your life and that it is an ongoing, lifelong process of growth and spiritual development. To truly reflect what Jesus had in mind when he called us to transformational living, a disciple must lead a life where one’s pursuit of God is:

Intentional, Relational, Holistic, Multiplying, and Lifelong

Our Focus

For every church to have an effective, holistic discipleship model.

For every believer to evidence the life of a disciple in every area of  their lives.

For every church and believer to reach out to their community and  world acting on the principles of holistic discipleship.

Using this Tool

This evaluation is meant to be a simple way for your leaders or ministry teams to take the pulse of your church’s discipleship focus right now. Move through the three-step process to zero in on your own community and consider ways you can make an even greater impact.

If you’re working as a team, it may be helpful to move through the three sessions below projected to a screen for better group collaboration. As you narrow down your answers, have a team member record them into the fillable annual evaluation form provided. If you’d prefer to work with the document only, simply download the evaluation form and begin.

This tool is designed to be reviewed annually, so keep a copy of your evaluation for your records, and pass it on to appropriate leaders and teams as needed.


Session Guide for Teams

Access all three session guides below. These are great for groups to project to a screen as you discuss and plan. If you’d prefer to skip this step, simply download the evaluation form above and begin.


How Can We Help?

  • Find Shared Resources for Churches

    The Wesleyan Church is a vibrant community of disciple-makers! Hundreds of resources from our churches are available to you for free.

  • Get a Coach

    Need a guide? Now that your evaluation is complete, you might have questions or need help with next steps. Contact a discipleship coach for you or your whole team.

  • Create Your Own Discipleship Pathway

    A discipleship pathway is a simple, well-defined set of Jesus-centered practices a pair or small group of Christians can move through together, then invite others to do the same.

    The point is intentional relationships that give Christians actual experience walking and talking with Jesus, in community with other believers.

    A full discipleship pathway is available for you at It is free to use and share.

    If your church would like to create an original pathway of your own, the process can feel daunting, but we are here to help.

    Are you a pastor or ministry leader? This guide walks you through the process of creating a discipleship pathway step by step, from first concepts to implementation.