  1. Ministry Overview

Brainstorm a list of every established ministry or regular event your church provides. Make the list as comprehensive as possible. Include things like children’s ministry, regular service opportunities, small groups, and Sunday service.


2. Focus on Discipleship

Another word for disciple is apprentice. Discipleship in the local church is apprenticeship to Jesus, in community, on purpose.

For the purpose of this evaluation, let’s illustrate discipleship this way:

When someone is learning from Jesus himself, in direct and intentional relationship to another Christian discipling them, with a clear goal in mind, that’s discipleship.

Discipleship is apprenticeship to Jesus. Apprenticeship is not learning about Jesus, it’s learning from Jesus, with a guide to lead you.

With this metric in mind, look at the list you’ve made and single out every ministry accomplishing direct discipleship in your community. Create a new list focusing on just these areas.


3. Assign Ratings

Here’s our definition one more time:

When someone is learning from Jesus himself, in direct and intentional relationship to another Christian discipling them, with a clear goal in mind, that’s discipleship.

Return to the list you’ve made. Rate each ministry on a scale of 1-5, based on how well it aligns with this description of discipleship.