  1. Review

Review what you’ve discovered so far. Which areas of discipleship are most healthy and effective? Which areas need adjustments, or need to phase out altogether?

Answer these questions:

What are the greatest qualities of the discipleship ministries you rated at the top? Why are things going so well?

What are the biggest problems in the areas you rated at the bottom? Why are things unclear, stalled, or falling apart?


2. Focus on a Target

Target 1-3 areas you must tackle in the next 12 months.

Resist the urge to take on too much. Single out the most critical areas of ministry that need to change in the next 12 months so your community can make disciples more effectively and sustainably.

Now answer these questions:

Why is this a target area?

What specifically needs to change or be added in? Why?

Who needs to be on board for this to happen?

Note: Don’t get sidetracked with details. We’ll talk more about how to plan and execute in Part 3 of this evaluation.


3. Think Deeper

Now that you’ve narrowed your focus to just 1-3 areas for the next 12 months, think deeper about what it may take to get you to your destination.

Create a SWOT analysis to brainstorm the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats present in these target areas.

Again, don’t get lost in the weeds. Just brainstorm, don’t nit pick strategies yet.