04 Scripture


Part 1

Outcome: form a meaningful rhythm of scripture reading and study.

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  1. What do you want your relationship with scripture to be like? Are you there yet? If not, what’s stopping you?

  2. What is one change you will make today to take your time with the Bible to the next level? 

Message these responses to your discipler before moving on.

Part 2

Understanding the Bible

Print Version

  1. How does understanding the Bible as a script differ from seeing it as an instruction manual?

  2. What does your relationship with the Bible look like now, and how would you like it to look in the future? What will you do about it?

Message these responses to your discipler before moving on.

Print Version

  1. God created us as royalty, gave us responsibility, and invites us into relationship.  What lies about your own worth threaten to draw you away from living out those truths?

  2. If the Bible is our script, what do you most need to learn from this first act?

Message these responses to your discipler before moving on.

Print Version

  1. What is your initial reaction to the word “sin”?

  2. Is there really such a thing as a truly private sin—one that affects no one but yourself?

  3. Is there a sin that you need to confess to God? If so, remember the words of 1 John 1:9: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

Message these responses to your discipler before moving on.

Print Version

  1. Why is it important to remember that the gospel is good news, and not just good advice?

  2. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 suggests that God doesn’t just forgive us but makes us holy as well. What does it mean for the gospel to be “more than forgiveness?” How is the good news meant to change us?

  3. How has the gospel changed you?

Message these responses to your discipler before moving on.

Print Version

  1. Have you ever felt hopeless? How does the truth that God finishes what he starts speak to you in times like this?

  2. The Bible teaches that God’s renewing work has already started (Acts 2, Mark 1:15, Colossians 1:20). When God renews something, he repairs what’s broken. When has God done this in your life?

  3. Where do you need renewal today?

Message these responses to your discipler before moving on.

Practice Inductive Bible Study

This is an overview of The InterVarsity Bible Study Method. To learn about inductive study and more, visit howto.bible.

Work through this practice at least once. When you’re done, message your discipler to let them know.

Practice Lectio Divina

Print Version

Work through this practice 3-5 times over the course of a week. When you’re done, message your discipler to let them know.

Part 3

Outcome Completed

What change did you put into practice in Part 1?

What have you learned?

How have you changed?

What were the results?

Have you established a more clearly defined rhythm of scripture reading and study?

Discuss the outcome with your discipler. When you both agree that the outcome is complete, you’re ready to move on to the next chapter.