It all starts here.


Part 1


Part 2

You set the pace.

This pathway is designed with a particular purpose. The journey works best when you step through the chapters in order, one practice at a time. Want to take it slow? Just do at least one practice every week. Can’t get enough? Feel free to do more. Either way, you’ll get out of it what you put in to it; so give it all you’ve got.

Every time you complete a practice, you’ll be prompted to let your discipler know. There will be prompts to start up a conversation about what you just learned. As you communicate throughout the week, choose whatever method is best for you. Email, phone, texting, Voxer, and Marco Polo are all great options.

Meet weekly.

You’ll meet up with your discipler weekly to stay connected and pray together. Feel free to meet in person or online; whatever’s best.

Every time you meet, you’ll each answer three questions to get your conversation started.

  1. How has God spoken to you since we last met?

  2. What spiritual victories have you experienced or witnessed since we last met?

  3. What regrets or burdens do you carry today? How can I help you?

No doubt this will spur a lot of conversation, but also feel free to just enjoy getting to know each other and talking about life.

It’s all outcome based.

The pathway is full of really useful tools, but the point isn’t just to finish the work. The point is to complete the outcome. Every section has one very specific goal. Move through the suggested opportunities and practices, and feel free to dive in to the extra resources we throw your way— just remember not to move on to a new section until you’ve completed that outcome! The outcome is the point, because that’s when you’ll put Jesus’ teachings into practice.

Pray for your next disciple.

Right now, even before you begin, pray for the person you’ll disciple next. You don’t have to wait until you’re done with the Pathway to start.

Whether you disciple someone soon, or after you finish the Pathway, don’t forget: by the time you’ve completed this journey, you’ll be inviting someone else to do it too.

Part 3