Part 1

Outcome: Discern God’s redemptive work in your past and establish a life theme.

Part 2

At your next meeting, your discipler will share their own timeline and life theme with you. You’ll not only get to know one another on a whole new level, but you’ll get inspired to create a timeline and theme of your own.

You can move on into Creating Your Timeline before then if you’d like, but hearing about your discipler’s timeline first will help.

Creating Your Timeline

Print Version

Work through this exercise until it’s complete. When you’re done, message your discipler to let them know.

Reach out to your discipler if you have a question or get stuck.

Establishing a Life Theme

Print Version

Work through this exercise until it’s complete. When you’re done, message your discipler to let them know.

Part 3

Complete the Outcome

Look back to the beginning of this section and consider where you are now.

What have you learned?

How have you changed?

What is your life theme?

Discuss the outcome with your discipler. When you both agree that the outcome is complete, you’re ready to move on to the next chapter.