03 Self Denial


Part 1

Outcome: Practice self denial in a specific and relevant way.

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  1. Where do you most resist denying yourself to follow Jesus?

  2. What would it cost you to put it down? What might you gain if you did?

    Message these responses to your discipler before moving on.

Part 2

Downward Mobility

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  1. Look back at your life with Jesus. Locate a time when you did something to obey God that looked backwards to the world. What were the details? What’s happened since?

  2. Which do you struggle with most? The temptation to be relevant, spectacular, or powerful? Where does this surface in your daily life?

    Message these responses to your discipler before moving on.

Practice Fasting

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Choose and complete your fast. When you’re done, message your discipler to let them know.

Addiction Inventory

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  1. What unhealthy habits did this reveal?

  2. Look beneath the habits. Where is the root? Why do you turn to these things?

  3. Are you willing to take a step to cut ties with these behaviors or sin cycles today?

  4. Decide on at least one clear step toward freedom and make a plan. Your discipler will hold you to it.

Message these responses to your discipler before moving on.

Forgiveness Exercise

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Your discipler will guide you through a forgiveness exercise at your next meeting. Work through the steps found in this resource 1 on 1 with your discipler before moving on.

Part 3

Outcome Completed

Look back to the beginning of this chapter and consider where you are now.

What have you learned?

How have you changed?

Did you specifically practice self denial? How? What were the results?

Discuss the outcome with your discipler. When you both agree that the outcome is complete, you’re ready to move on to the next chapter.